"The Falling Waters" by Frank Lyold Wright

This was an amazing moment for me. My most awaited place to visit. It's about an hour and half away from the place I live, 76 miles. It's the most beautiful Architectural Wonder I have seen in USA. But due to COVID-19 we were not allowed inside, so the tour was only the exteriors. There were ice formations around the property which were spectacular as Spring is approaching and temperatures warmer hiking around the elevations was refreshing and enjoyable. I will make another trip here in Fall to absorb the colorful beauty of the property. It's just a very cherishable trip and die for views.
Gratitude to Architect Sir Frank Lyold Wright, my inspiration and learning which paved my way to minimalist and sustainable perspective of ordinary life. It was a privelage to visit in-person and realize that he created to contribute to nature and humankind at the same time.
Thank you.


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